
Player Profile: Noël


Niiice Raack, Niiice Raack


Cry Me A Liver

Highest M8 Rating:

38, open

Cue Brand:


Cue Weight:

I'm not telling you that- never ask a lady her weight!

Cue Name:

I told you- its Noël

Favorite Saying:

Stupid Cunt

Most Memorable Moment:

Almost beating Elleni at the Cardinal tournie.

Pool Story:

First I break the balls. Then I hit the ball that offers me the most balls to hit of their type: i.e.: stripes or solids. Then I hit as many balls as I can into the pockets. And after I hit in all of my balls, I choke on the eight. My mentors include Munchee Chees, Stevie Ray Vaughn, and the blue care bear.

*founding member



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page last modified: Wednesday April 09, 2003